Thursday, July 12, 2012

Garden City Beach!

And we're off!  We left suer early this morning to make our way to the beach! 
Our first stop was a hotel about 4 hours from the beach!  We all had so much fun playing and swimming.  Mom and Dad said we needed to practice because we would be swimming every single day!
                                                Practicing my jumps with Uncle Rory was fun!

Daddy says I look like a big boy when I swim with my swim vest on.

We made it to the beach in record time!  This is where we stayed!  The Villa was so cool! 
I loved playing in the sand on the beach!

Each day we went to the beach!  Some days it was really windy.  But I didn't hat proteced me!

The other good thing about going on vacation besides the swimming are the doughnuts!  Daddy and Grandpa picked some up for us.  I could eat a whole dozen by myself!
I had a really cool suprise while on our trip....Grandma and Grandpa Eberwein were at the beach too!  They spent the day with us at the pool and on the beach. We even went out to dinner with them later on during the trip.

Later that night we came back down to the beach for more sand time.  I just couldn't get enough.  Aaron and I liked playing with our trucks in the sand.

And while we were playing, Grandpa Bruce brought down his kite.  He let me fly it too!  I was really good at it, but I think Ava was better.

One of our days on vacation was too windy and cold to be on the beach....So we went to a different kind of beach....Broadway on the Beach!!!

                                                    I road in the teacups with Daddy...

And road the Pirate ship with Mommy.  I was such a brave boy!
When we weren't spending our nights on the beach, we would go shopping, or out for some playtime.  Then one night we got to go to a real fire station!  The firemen gave us hats!

                                           They even let Ava and I sit in the BIG fire truck!
                                       I think I would make a really good fireman someday!
After we left the firestation Mommy and Daddy took me over to play in the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Bounce House!  Ava and I jumped around like a couple of little monkeys!
                                 After all that work, we went for some delicious ice cream!
                              The day called for more beach time.  This vacation stuff is really exhausting!
                                               But I always managed to get my 2nd wind!
One night on our trip we even visited with the Phillips, Bates, and Likovics!  We swam in their pool and all played together!  Having friends around on vacation makes it even more fun!
Grandma and Grandpa Eberwein surprised us again and we all went to dinner to celebrate Grandma's birthday.

                                       Daddy showed me the ropes on how to boogie board!
                         It was so much fun that I decided to take on this new sport...Boogie Boarding!!
                          Leaving our mark in the sand was an important event on our last night.

                              Watching Grandpa's fireworks display was a great way to end our vacation.
                         In the morning I didn't want to leave. We had so much fun!  I can't wait to go back!

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