Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was so busy! We started the day at Grandma Debbie and Grandpa Bruce's house. They bought me so many presents......I didn't know what to play with first! I love my new farm door and gas pump.

Then later that night we went over to Lyn and John's house for our annual Christmas Eve party. We were all enjoying some delicious food and drink when all of a sudden..... Santa Claus showed up!

Santa said I have been a good boy this year! He even brought me an early Christmas present of Thomas the Train.

Then Santa stayed around a little longer to take pictures with us!

We didn't want Santa to leave, so we ran to the window to watch him fly away. But his reindeer were so fast that me missed the take off.

After Santa left we opened more presents! I had so much fun playing with my friends!

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