Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas is Finally Here!

Guess what?? Santa came to our house last night and left me a ton of presents!

Are these really all for me?I really liked opening the presents, but Bella thought I needed her help....

A fireman hat for me!!!

Yeah! I got my BIG BIG TRUCK!!

What's under here??

Is this what I think it is??

My new kitchen and grill! Now I can cook like Mommy and grill like Daddy!

Now I have all the accessories I need, to be a good chef!

Even Daddy got into playing in my kitchen!

Christmas evening was a ton of fun! I got to play with all of grandma and grandpa's toys, including Grandpa's choo choo train around the tree!
We also had so much food to eat. (But I had to wait an eternity! Here I am hungry and waiting for dinner. Maybe if I sit here long enough, someone will get the hint and feed me...)

We then posed for some family pictures!

Next it was time for presents!

Finally we ended this fun and busy day by winding down, and watching Frosty the Snowman.

Today was so much fun! I can't wait for Christmas to come again!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was so busy! We started the day at Grandma Debbie and Grandpa Bruce's house. They bought me so many presents......I didn't know what to play with first! I love my new farm door and gas pump.

Then later that night we went over to Lyn and John's house for our annual Christmas Eve party. We were all enjoying some delicious food and drink when all of a sudden..... Santa Claus showed up!

Santa said I have been a good boy this year! He even brought me an early Christmas present of Thomas the Train.

Then Santa stayed around a little longer to take pictures with us!

We didn't want Santa to leave, so we ran to the window to watch him fly away. But his reindeer were so fast that me missed the take off.

After Santa left we opened more presents! I had so much fun playing with my friends!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Snow and Sled Rides

Guess what? It snowed last night! And since there was enough snow on the ground, Mommy and Daddy said that we could try out my new sled. (It was a present from my Aunt Amy, Uncle Brad, Justin, and Cameron!)

I liked playing on it in the house, but I am not so sure about outside.....

Loliday Fun Days!

I am really liking going to the mall! Mommy has been taking me to Lolidays. We make a craft, eat a snack, listen to a story, and sing and dance. And tonight, my friend Mady came to play too!

Meeting Frosty the Snowman

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Sugar Cookies and Friends!

Today Mommy took me over to Kami and Madyson's house! I played with all of my friends and frosted sugar cookies!

Mmmmmm frosting!!!The finished productThe perfect cookie didn't last long.

A tight squeeze after eating all those cookies!

A Video from Santa!

All year long Mommy and Daddy have been telling me what a good boy I am. Well today, I received this video from Santa confirming that I am on his nice list!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas with the Eberwein's

I had the best weekend! Mommy, Daddy, Bella, and I all drove down to Arcanum to celebrate Christmas. Everyone came to see me. Cameron and Aunt Amy were the first ones over on Saturday morning. Cameron and I had a great time playing.

Then all the cousins came over!

We started to pose for pictures then.......Grandma and Aunt Phyllis came out to surprise us with a Christmas song!

Santa couldn't make it this year, but I didn't care. This was so much better!

I must have been a really good boy this year, because I got a ton of presents! Check out my new Ohio State pjs!

Hands off my goldfish!!

Hudson said if I didn't stop eating goldfish crackers my belly would be as big as his!

More presents!!

And my favorite one of all.....A new trike!!

I can't wait to be big enough so I can go riding! Mommy and Daddy said, probably this summer!

What a wonderful time with family and friends!
