Monday, October 17, 2011

Fun Family Weekend!

I had the most fun weekend ever! Grandma and Grandpa Eberwein, Aunt Amy, Uncle Brad, Justin, and Cameron all came up for a visit! It was so much fun playing together and hanging out. I can't wait to see them again. (Hopefully really soon!)

Justin let me wear his John Deere hat for the picture. I have a little more growing to do before I look as cool as he does in it.

Everyone came to play with me at Gymboree!

I showed them some of my favorite things to do at class.

Best Buddies!

Out for dinner! I was such a good boy and let everyone eat in peace. I was just happy to eat some fries and bread.

This was my favorite part of the evening....1, 2, 3, SWING!!!!!!

We even celebrated Daddy and Aunt Amy's birthday. I helped to blow out the candles and eat the cake!

Snuggle time with Grandma and Grandpa!

Ready to watch the Bengals!

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