Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Welcome Baby Cole!


March 26, 2013

Well the day has finally arrived.  Today we will welcome the newest member of the Eberwein family!
Everyone was super excited for this day!  Jake wore his "Big Brother" shirt to let everyone at Miss Nicole's house know that he was about to become a Big Brother!
We were all eager and ready to go!

 Final preparations.....and last minute poses with the fam!
At 12:38 pm Matt announced that Jake has a little brother!  We were so excited to welcome Cole Matthew!

 Jake was very excited to come in and meet his little brother Cole.
 Even the Uncle Rory, Aunt Dana, Ava and Aaron came over for a visit!

 Day 4 and time to go home!  We are all ready to embark on this new journey as a family of 4!

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