Sunday, June 10, 2012

Weekend in Arcanum

What a great weekend! Mommy, Daddy, Bella and I made the drive to Arcanum to visit Grandma Barb, Grandpa Phil, Aunt Amy, Uncle Brad, Cameron and Justin.  I had so much fun!

                                  I got to spend a lot of time playing with Justin and Cameron.
                      We even went over their house to play.  They have so many cool toys.  My favorites were the 4 wheeler and riding lawn mower.
 Uncle Brad took me for a few rides. I wasn't sure at first, but then I didn't want to get off.

                                        Then it was Daddy's turn to ride!  He even let me steer!
                               My Mommy says that someday I will be a good driver just like her!

After all of that fun we went inside to celebrate Grandma's and Uncle Brad's birthday!  We ate homemade ice cream until our bellies were full!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Out of Town Visitors

Whew!  What a busy weekend!  My mom and dad's friends came in from out of town.  Marie, Cary, and Ava all came for a nice long weekend visit.
I got to meet my friend Ava for the very first time.  We had so much fun playing together!
First we swang on my swing and slid down on the slide.
Then after a filling dinner we went outside again.  This time we took turns riding on my toys.
We got cleaned up and played some more. Ava liked wearing my fireman's hat!  I think she looks pretty cute in it if you ask me!

                                Then before beddy bye time Mommy read us a story in her bed!
                     The next day we were super busy again!  We first went to Lowe's for a Build and Grow seminar.  I learned how to build an Ice Cream Truck!
                                                                  Daddy helped me!
                                                          Ava's daddy helped her too!!

After all that hard work, if was time to play.  We went to the park and swung on the swings! 
Finally it was time for Ava to go see her Grandma and Grandpa.  Casey came over to babysit and the adults got to go out and play.  This is a picture of Mommy and her friend Marie.  They were so much fun!  I sure hope they come back again real soon!!