Sunday, December 23, 2012


Mommy and Daddy took me to this really cool place called Inventionasium! First we rode the rapid all the way downtown!

 Ava, Aaron and I got to wear lab coats and be inventors for the night! We met a ton of really cool characters!
We got to make snow

 and create all kinds of cool toys!

 Afterwards we got to meet Kris Kringle!  I sat on his lap and told him that I still want that Spiderman Game and DreamLite for Christmas.
Before we left to go home we went outside to look at all the Christmas lights!  They were so pretty!  I think Mommy and Daddy should decorate our house like this next Christmas!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Ho Ho Ho! Off To See Santa We Go!

Guess who I am going to see today??????
 Santa Claus!!!!!
Mommy and Daddy got me all dressed up to visit the big man.  I have been practicing what I will say to him when I go to sit on his lap.
Ugh!  All this waiting is making me bored! Mommy and Daddy said it won't be too much longer.
They tried to keep me busy and happy by taking pictures.....
That didn't work too well...

 But finally we were there!  I ran right up to Santa and jumped on his lap.  I asked him for a Spiderman game and a Dream Light.  I told him I have been a good boy all year!
 After visiting Santa Mommy and Daddy let me ride the train!  Choo Choo!!!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Chippey the Elf!

Look at what Santa delivered to my house!!!  My very own Elf on the Shelf! I love having Mommy and Daddy read the story to me over and over again!
 The first morning I was surpised to see that Chippey was out of his box and sitting on the wreath.  Mommy and Daddy reminded me that each night he flies back to the North Pole to report to Santa.  And when he returns, he sits in a new spot.

The 2nd morning I found Chippey sitting on the curtain rod!  I wonder how he got up there!

I can't wait to see where Chippey will be sitting tomorrow!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Big Boy Room!

Guess what????? I have a new big boy bedroom!!  Mommy has been working very hard to get everything ready for the move. 

Happy Turkey Day!

 Happy Thanksgiving everyone! 
 I had a really fun day!  We started off the day with watching the Macy's Thanksgiving parade.  I loved seeing all of the "biiiiiig balloons!".  Later on we went over to Grandma and Grandpa's house.  We ate a ton of food and I even got to play with my cousins!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Mommy took me to Wake Up Santa's Pajama Party!  There were a ton of people! 
Mommy and I waited and waited and waited!
 Santa was sleeping on the stage for a very long time! Mrs. Claus and all of us were trying to wake him up.  After a long while he finally got up from his chair and told us all to be good girls and boys.
 After everyone left I got to go up on Santa's stage.
 I even got to talk with Rudolph and get my picture taken with a bunch of cool characters. 

Trick or Treat Night is Finally Here!!

Trick or Treat Night was so much fun!  This was the first year that I went trick or treating in the dark!
 Grandma Debbie and Grandpa Bruce came over to my house to go with me!
 We went door to door saying, "Trick or Treat!"
 I got lots of yummy candy!
 At Mr. Mark's house I got to shoot the skeletons with a gun!  I have really good aim.
 I was so tired from walking around the neighborhood.  Luckily Daddy set up the fire pit so we could sit outside and go through my candy.
 Mommy and I passed out candy to the other Trick or Treaters after Grandma and Grandpa left.
As the night ended Daddy and I sat by the fire and drank yummy hot chocolate!  What a great night!  Next year will be even more fun! 

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Mommy and Grandma took me to Rangerpalooza!  It was an event for kids and families through my Mommy's work. 
I had so much fun!  I got to meet and get my picture taken with all sorts of friends....
 Micky Mouse and I

 Batman and I
It was fun dancing and poses with everyone!
 Look! Even Buzz Lightyear was there!
I got my face painted!
 And Ava and Aaron showed up for the fun!
I colored a picture!
and climbed the tall moutain on the bounce house.
 My favorite part was hanging out with Buster the Bus!