Thursday, June 30, 2011

Surfside Beach (Part 2)- OUR PHOTOS

Date night picture at the Sea Captain's House (out of order as you can tell from our tans).

We finally made it to Surfside. A little bit of traffic, but it was all worth it! Jake was great in the car! What a sport! He enjoyed listening to mommy sing and playing peek-a-boo behind the carseat.
Vacation has finally begun!
Our view from the balcony
Ready for our first step on the white sand!

Jake took a running start!
Time to get down and sandy!

Shouldn't I be wearing my bathing suit?
The diaper is much more comfy...

Ready for day 1 on the beach.
Notice the white pasty skin? You can definetly tell it is our 1st day on the beach!
Jake loved playing in the water!
Even babies need time to lounge and relax...
Dinner was great each night we ate out....
but Grandpa's pancakes were much tastier!
Day 2 and Jake was already pooped out from the day before.
Day 3 brought a much more alert and playful boy!

Carlos n Charlies was a fun time, especially for Jake who also got a balloon hat!

"Do I get to keep this?"
Ready for his 1st merry go round ride. Jake was a bit tired but a great sport through the ride.

Happy Father's Day!!
"I have to coordinate my outfits so all the girls look my way..."
Early morning sunrise.
The sand was the most entertaining of all the toys.
We even set aside a few moments to capture our fun times as a family.

Our date night...dinner and miniature golf. I will let you guess who won... I blame the rain, Matt says he is just better.
I have been working on these abs for 11 months. What do you think?
My backside is my best side. Don't you agree?
Out of all the girls on the beach, this one is my favorite! ; )
Our condo
Our final evening...drinks on the balcony and a trip to the pier! :)

Goodbye Surfside Beach!

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