Wednesday, April 10, 2013

First Days at Home as a Family of 4!

First Days at Home

Our first few days at home were really busy!  We had lots of bonding time, Easter celebrations, and a whole lot of visitors!

 Grandma and Grandpa came for a visit.  They also took Jake on a special Easter Egg Hunt! 
 Easter morning was a ton of fun! We found our Easter baskets that the Easter Bunny left for us.  I then showed Cole how to hunt for Easter Eggs!

After all that fun Daddy and I went to celebrate Easter at Grandma and Grandpa's house while Mommy and Cole stayed at home to rest.

 Mommy said that Cole did a lot of lounging around, so she took a few pictures.

 And when we got home we gave Cole his first bath at home!

First Doctor's Appointment

 The next day Cole had his first doctor's appointment.  I told Cole that it's not scary to visit the doctor. He didn't cry once!  And because I was such a helpful big brother I got a sucker and a sticker!

 Boy oh boy!  Were we busy after that!  We had a lot of visitors come to see us! 

Aunt Kami, Uncle Jim, and Mady spent the evening playing with us at our house!

 Yummy cookies from the Phillips, Bates, and Likovics!
 Melissa and Kaitlin came over!
 Aunt Lindsay visited with us too!
I sure do love my little brother!

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