Monday, October 22, 2012

My First Halloween Party!

Yeah for my very first Halloween party!!! The party is at Aunt Cathy's house! I am so excited to go and show everyone my dragon costume.  I wanted to have my face painted, so Mommy put on just a touch of green to match my costume!
 I'm here and ready to party!
 It is so cool to see everyone dressed up!  I think my Mommy and Daddy look pretty silly in costumes!
 There were so many people at the party!  Ava and Aaron wore their costumes too!
 And just look at my silly Grandma and Grandpa.  They dressed up like everyone else!
 One of the best parts of the party was the hot chocolate bar!  There were a ton of marshmallows!!  Just look at the size of the one I am eating! It was so gooey and covered in chocolate!  YUM!!!!
 Before we went home we got to play with the bat pinata!  I wanted to touch it, so grandpa lifted me high in the sky to get a closer look.
 Aaron wanted to try too, but Grandpa said he couldn't lift us both, so he held us instead.
 When it was my turn I hit the bat as hard as I could.  I said "BOINK" as I knocked it around. It was hard work but we eventually got to run for the candy as it poured out!
Halloween parties are so much fun!  I can't wait to go to my next one at Boo at the Zoo on Saturday!

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