Monday, August 29, 2011

Rockin Robin's!

After I woke up this morning Mommy and Daddy told me that we were going to this place called Rockin Robin's. They said it is like a big treehouse and is more fun than Gymboree! I was ready to take off my new boots that Grandma Debbie bought me, get in the car, and go!They were right! This place is better than Gymboree!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Touch a Truck

Grandma Debbie told my Mommy about this really cool activity called "Touch a Truck". Ava andAunt Dana met us there. We got to see a fire truck, a tractor, school bus, mail truck, an ambulance, and other really neat trucks. We got to sit in them and honk the horn too! I love it when the horn goes, "Beep Beep!"
Touch a Truck Videos

Grandma and Grandpa Eberwein's and the Darke County Fair!

What an amazing weekend! I had the best time visiting with Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Amy, Uncle Brad, Justin, and Cameron. We played with my toys, went to the fair, and even took a bike ride. I was so sad to go, but I am happy to know I will see them again soon!

Ready for some good ol' fair food!

My winnings! Thanks Mommy and Daddy!Bike ride with Grandpa!
Play time with Bella!

Fair fun!

My 1st bike ride!

August 17- Spring Mist Petting Farm Play Date

On Mommy's last day of summer vacation she took me back to Spring Mist Petting Farm for a playdate with my friends! We had so much fun! Ava, Aaron, Madison, and Lily all enjoyed the animals as much as I did!

The wagon ride was so much fun!

After fun times at Spring Mist, Ava and Aaron came over for lunch and to play some more. Ava is so silly! She makes me laugh all the time!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Nummy Corn!

I love my corn on the cob!!!! It's in my blood. After all my Mommy is from North Ridgeville...AKA "Home of the Corn Festival".

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Spring Mist Petting Farm!

Remember when Mommy and Daddy surprised me with a pony on my 1st birthday? Well today they took me to the farm where they got the pony and let me see all the animals! It was so cool! I got to pet a camel, horses, goats, donkeys, alpacas, and even reindeer! I liked watching the pigs lay in the mud and the ducks and geese chasing each other. I can't wait to go back next week!

Jake's First Circus!

Mommy and Daddy suprised me with a super fun weekend! First I got to spend the night at Grandma and Grandpa's house, while Mommy and Daddy went to Bowling Green for some fun! When they came to pick me up they took me to the circus! I had so much fun, especially because Ava and Aunt Dana came too!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Jake's New Playmate

Now that I am getting bigger and stronger Bella likes to play with me! She brings me her toy and I try to keep it from her! We have so much fun!
We are such great buddies! We do follow each other everywhere!